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Zk Snarks

ZK Snarks

What are?

SNARKs, which stands for "Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge," are a type of zero-knowledge proof system in cryptography. They are used to prove the authenticity of information without revealing the content of that information. The term "succinct" emphasizes that the proof generated by a SNARK is short and can be quickly and efficiently verified.

Succinctness: SNARKs generate short proofs that are much smaller in size compared to the size of the information being proven. This property is crucial for efficiency, especially in the context of blockchain and cryptocurrency, where minimizing the size of proofs is essential for scalability.

Non-Interactivity: SNARKs are non-interactive, meaning that the proof generation process doesn't require back-and-forth communication between the prover and verifier. This is in contrast to interactive proof systems, where multiple rounds of communication are needed.

Arguments of Knowledge: SNARKs allow a prover to convince a verifier that they possess certain information without revealing the information itself. The prover can demonstrate knowledge of a solution to a problem without disclosing the specific details of that solution.

SNARKs have found significant applications in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency. For example, they are used in privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Splendor to provide a method for users to prove the validity of transactions without revealing the sender, recipient, or transaction amount. This enhances privacy while still ensuring the integrity and validity of transactions.